Kauno Architektūros Festivalis
Study KAFe
International exhibition-competition of final projects of architecture students.
project curators:
Laura Jankauskaitė-Jurevičie
Aušra Mlinauskienė
Jurga Vitkuvienė

Kaunas architecture festival
KAFe2019 invites to participate in the international exhibition-competition of
final projects of university architecture students – of both bachelor and
master studies – on the topics of the central part of Kaunas town.
The topic of this year’s KAFe2019 – Landmark architecture – creating or
destroying city’s identity?, therefore
development of the central part of town and the role of “landmark” buildings in
this process is at the focus of the competition topics suggested for
consideration of Lithuanian and foreign architecture universities.
As a part of KAFe2019, the international contest of final projects by graduate
students will be one of the most important educational events of the festival.
The announced competition strongly focuses on urban and architectural topics of
downtown Kaunas in the students’ final theses.
Each school should feel free to adopt and interpret the topics and to determine
the size, program and the operating scenario of the object according school’s
educational goals.
1st place and 1.000 euros prize was won by Paulina Gorecka, Lukasz Gnatek and Veronika Kessler from Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. They developed idea of Multicultural Student Centre that creates dialogue with Kaunas Oak forest.
2nd place and 500 euros prize was awarded to Martynas Kilius from Kaunas University of Technology and his project The Centre of Righteous Among the Nations.
3rd place and 300 euros prize was received by Luiza Sevele from Kaunas University of Technology who examined the idea of Market Forum in Kaunas.